The history of modern playing cards is shrouded with superstition; that would shock & surprise many people who play cards regularly. Modern playing cards originated from cartomancy & steadily evolved into what we all recognize them as today. Because of this, each card has its own back story deeply connected to folklore and historic figures. The exotic and often mystical history of playing cards; adds to the infamy of the main ingredients of our favourite gambling games. Knowing the illustrious history of playing cards can give you valuable insights; on how to step up your game in both life and gambling.
Cards were Illegal in England during Interregnum

The King Cards are no exception from this phenomenon with each suite having its own back story. During the Interregnum, the production of playing cards was illegal in England while playing cards flourished in France. For that reason, it is no surprise that the King of Hearts is based on the French King Charlemagne. The King of Diamonds was inspired by the infamous Julius Caesar, while the powerful King of Clubs represents Alexander the Great. The King of Spades is based on the Biblical King David, with the king holding the sword of the slain Goliath on the card. These interpretations come from the French National Pattern which is based on the distinct cartomancy card personality types.
What is Cartomancy?

Cartomancy is a method of divination that uses cards as a medium to receive divine insight on future and current events. Cartomancy is one of the oldest forms of divination, but over time it evolved into tarot cards. Most users think of tarot cards as a refined version of cartomancy. In history Tarot Cards were seen as a way to get a glimpse of the different possibilities that you have in the future. Each person is different, with countless different opportunities to manifest different realities.
The same principle is true in poker and other modern card games since each decision you make while playing can either win copious amounts of money or leave you financially ruined. The mystical and surprising history of playing cards gives us a new angle on how to properly gamble in modern games. You have to play wisely, artfully knowing when to cut your losses & when to keep charging for victory. To reach the next level while playing you need to harness the power of these wonderful secrets to achieving what you want in life.