This question came to us from a very young player who loved watching the World Series of Poker tournaments and now wants to become one of the poker players. We especially answer this question for him and wish him good luck in his poker journey. Now coming to his question as to which poker game he should play first as a beginner. The good news is that there are hundreds of poker games you can try for free and learn their basics at online casinos without spending any money. Moreover, you can keep on playing as long as want. No one will stop you. Only you need your mobile or PC fully charged if you play for hours free poker to learn the game so that your battery is not drained out.
Here we are going to answer very specifically about the poker games you can play as a novice for free or for real money to understand the game rules and play to win.
Poker games for Novice
1. Jacks or Better

There are hundreds of video poker games at online casinos to get started with as a new player. The easiest one to start with is Jacks or Better. The game is simple. Start off by placing your bet. You’ll receive five cards, each one of them facing up. Unlike other poker games where you’re playing against the house or against other players, in Jacks or Better, you play against yourself. Your goal, simply, is to have a hand that ranks on the hand ranking system.
Jacks or Better requires that you have at least a pair of Jacks or anything better. As long as you’re holding that, you’ll get paid out. The better your hand is, the more money you’ll make. Here are the rankings from best to worst: Royal Flush; Straight Flush; 4 of a Kind; Full House; Flush; Straight; 3 of a Kind; Two Pair
As long as you rank, you’ll get paid. But here’s the best part is that your initial five cards don’t necessarily have to be your hand. That’s because, with Jacks or Better, you can get rid of all five cards and replace them with new ones. You’ll definitely want to hold cards if you’ve got a pair of Jacks or anything better, but the wonder that comes with being able to swap your cards is a pretty big deal.
2. Texas Hold’em

Texas Hold’em is one of the most popular poker games in the world. Texas Hold’em is so easy to learn that you will really love this game as a new poker player. In Texas Hold’em, everyone gets two hole cards that they don’t share with other players. All players share 5 community cards. Your job is to make the best hand using a combination of your two cards and the five community cards.
The community cards don’t drop all at once. Instead, three drops at once, followed by a round of betting, followed by the 4th card, followed by more betting, followed by the 5th card, and then, you guessed it, more betting. There’s also a betting round before the first three cards drop. If you’ve got a great hand, you can either sucker people into betting more or bully them out of the hand if you don’t know that your hand is guaranteed to win after the other cards drop.
There’s a potential to win a lot of money in this poker game. When you are fully pro in poker you can even win your way to live poker tournaments by playing in an online satellite.
3. Tri Card Poker

It’s a poker game where you only have three cards to deal with. This one pits you against the dealer for a winner take all match. You start by placing your ante like say it’s $5. Once you hit Deal, you’ll receive three cards. If you like your hand, you simply hit the Raise button, which commits another $5 to the pot. If your hand is better than the dealer’s hand, you’ll win 1:1 payouts on both your ante bet and your raise bet.
How to play free poker games to learn them?

It is very easy to play free poker games to learn them and understand their gameplay. All you need is to join any friendly online casino of your choice like Emu Casino offers over 50 poker games to play all free and simply click on poker games and begin to play. But many online casinos want first to register themselves even to play free games but that is not a big deal to play free poker games without spending any money. Click on join now and open your account.
Do not make any deposit. Simply after you have your login credentials to the online casino go to the games lobby and go to table games where all the poker games are listed. Also, many video poker games are listed separately at a few online casinos. Click on the game and the game will load in seconds on your mobile or PC screen. Now start to play with the virtual money offered by the game board and play as long as you want.
You can click on the help button given on every game board to know how to play the game. Many online casinos also offer online assistance to learn poker. Once you are thorough with the game with your practice sessions you can try to play for real money by making a real cash deposit in your own currency and see how much you can win or lose in the poker games.