What does it Mean by Advantage Punters?

Advantage Punters
What does it Mean by Advantage Punters?

Who are the advantage punters? Betting on a particular game; playing to win some real money is just luck as most of the casino games are games of chance. The players who use the method to increase the game odds in their favour legally; and use them when playing against the house are called advantage punters. It all depends on the type of game they are playing to get that advantage. Though casinos have taken steps to spot; and discourage advantaged players who use these techniques; the practice is well within the limits of the law.

The games that often attract advantage punters range from blackjack to sports to online poker. It is not a new formula for the players; because it is traced back as early as the 1960s; when casino players used mathematical formulas to increase the odds in their favour. What began as simple card counting has developed into an in-depth study of statistics and probability.

Card Counting

Card Counting
Card Counting

This is one of the most well-known methods of advantage players. Card counters determine whether the deck contains more high or low cards at any given time; and more specifically, they’re looking for the appearance of the five-card. The five-card has a higher probability of bringing your score close to 21 without busting. Knowing how many high cards are left lets you determine which player is more likely to bust.

Though card counting does not involve memorizing a deck of cards. Advantage players assign a value to each card in play that is either positive, negative or zero. As each card appears, the value of that card is adjusted, for example, if a high card appears, the number goes down, which means the number of high cards left is lower.

Advantage on Sports

Advantage on Sports
Advantage on Sports

If you wish to become an advantage player in sports you need to learn as much as you can about a particular sport. Knowing basic facts like the players’ physical condition, the differences between home and away performance, and a team’s strengths and weaknesses will help you make informed decisions. You are doing the job of a sport’s handicapper, which is also an option. But, the thing is unless you plan to bet consistently, hiring a sport’s handicapper doesn’t offer much of an advantage.

Use of Arbitage

Use of Arbitage
Use of Arbitage

Arbitrage is another method of sports playing for real money and may seem to be manipulated to your advantage. It involves betting on both parties but finding different money lines. Betting fifty dollars on each party means that you will lose on one money line, but depending on the odds, the net amount of your win could be substantial.

Scope of Advantage Players

As these days almost all the games are offered online the software instruction and probability computer programs are the latest developments in advantage playing. You can also find up-to-date statistics giving you the house edge percentage on just about every casino game there is. With advances like these, your chances of winning are steadily increasing, as long as you apply what you learn and play by the rules.

Now think what you would do next time when betting online for a poker game

About the author

Kamal Kaur